Chapter 2.5: Pet

Warning: Partial Sim nudity at the end.

Let’s jump right in, shall we?

A/N:  This will backtrack a bit and should end about the same time as the human side of the story.


Hello, baby hoomin!  Nice to meecha.


See, daddy.  I told you baby hoomin was cool.


Brandywyne:  Smells kinda stinky to me son.

Cris: I make tinky!

Charm:  Wow, and people say horses stink!  P-eeeeewwwwww!


Hoomins aren’t the only ones with sparklies, you know.


It tickles!


I sure turned out handsome.


Hey, why don’t you let me get used to being this tall before you start training.


Ok, I changed my mind.  That did turn out kind of fun.

HTCTM: Stud payment $800.  Sold for $4500.
They were hurting for money.  Only got him to level 3 of racing and jumping.


Missed the birth of Charley somewhere.  This is Lucky.  Foal #3.


Little Lucky is so adorable.


Lucky: Have you seen my daddy?

Jill: but I think your mommy is at the top of the screen drinking.


Here is baby Lucky with adult Charley.

Charley: Have you seen the ball?

Lucky:  Not lately.  Have you seen daddy?

Charley: Stud payment $1747. Sold: $8800.

Jump level 3. Racing level 9.


Lucky: Stud $865 Sold: $4461

Race and jump levels were not obtained. He is a unicorn, but I think he was born with 0 and got to 3 maybe.

HTCTM: None were chosen for heir because they were identical to Blossom without the markings.


We are still the stray animal capital of town.

No gnomes were used either.

A/N: Not much of an update.  Jill and  Gussie were basically starving to death and working in the garden 90% of the time.  They would autonomously stop what they were doing and head for the bed and I had to pretty much keep them in sight the whole time.  Other than that, they only stopped when they were about to pass out from lack of sleep.  With the pegs and xylophone right there in the garden, it was easy keeping Cris happy and fed.  They would put him in the crib or take him out on their potty breaks.When Gussie was finished gardening he would then go riding to get some skilling done.

5 thoughts on “Chapter 2.5: Pet

  1. I love that you’re updating us on how much the horses sell for! I haven’t done a lot of horse breeding (yet), so it’s very interesting to me to see how much can be made. Hope you get a foal that’s a better mix of her parents soon!

  2. They are so busy with the garden, that I am not able to get much training time. You can only sell Unicorns using a Twallan’s mods. My best ever was a unicorn who was born with maxed stats (which is the norm) and then was ridden until it was trained and then reinforced until it had really good traits. He sold for around 15k.

    IKR? Three foals that look all the same is very disheartening. I hope poor Blossom is up for more.

    1. Oh I didn’t realize we weren’t able to sell unicorns normally. Bah lame. I agree with StyxLady about posting what they sold for. That’s very interesting to see!

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