Chapter 5

Well, I went in game yesterday to play for a bit…and well, I never stopped playing.  The horse legacy has ended with the birth of the 11th generation.  The birth of generation 8 was done too.  So sit  back and be prepared for an excessive amount of updates.  How about 500 pics worth?

How would you like to see what Roarke does as an NPC?  Yep, I gave him free rein halfway through the update.  O.o  He was not allowed to move and then after buying 110k car, he was not allowed to spend money either.


Well, Carnation is still in need of skillz.  I believe that Paprika is done and just waiting for a birthday.


Did you guys meet Myra last update?  She is going to help bring in generation 10.


For some reason,  Icee has 5 days off of work.  Good thing he’s level one.  He quit his job and then rehired in.


Comet: Show me what you got, Puddin Man.


Comet:  That’s all you have?  Woe is me *sob*
Bella:  You are seriously imbalanced lady.


Comet:  How am I going  to survive?  Your selection is so depressing.
Bella:  Oh geez, lady.  Will you just buy that genie potion and get the hell out of the way.
Hall Lady:  *sings* Comet is an overdramatic fool.  She is acting so uncool..lalalalalal

Everything sorta snowballs right here.


Paprika blows out candles.


Generation 10, Lightfoot (I think) Dipsy is born.


Carnation blows out candles.


And Leo got a makeover and I fell in love.

Leo:  Really?  I get to be heir?  I can’t wait to tell all my friends!

Um, you don’t have any friends.

Leo:  Well, if I did, I would tell them.

I am still not ready to make a choice, but I’m not doing heir polls anymore so you’ll know soonish.


Paprika:  Oh yes, yes!  No more diapers and bottles.  Oh happy day!!    MH, makeover.  STAT!  I want everyone to see my awesomeness.

Yeah, okay.


Oh Gawd.  I love him.

Paprika:  You call this a makeover?  Are you serious?



Paprika:  Okay just making sure.  Yay!  Makeover!


Carnation:  Why did that idiot go first?  First to his cake, first to eat cake and now first to get a makeover.  I don’t do seconds!


Carnation:  This is not a good makeover!  I don’t want to be blue.  I want to be normal!

*backs slowly away*


Paprika wanted to bottle feed Dipsy.


Carnation:  Blocks?  You want me to play with baby toys?

Oh hush and just do it.  A simple thanks would suffice.

Carnation:  Gee, thanks.   See my happy face?


The precious out in the light.


Comet got a promotion.  I think she got to level 8 here.


Oh dear god.  I hope the kids are gone.

Um, Roarke hunny, you seem to be missing some items.

Roarke:  What?  Sometimes a man has just got to be free.  Flap in the wind, so to speak.


Um.  Clothes. NOW!

Roarke:  Not yet…and stop looking at my ass.


Icee;  Dude!  Seriously?  You want to paint my portrait..nekkid?
Roarke:  Of course!  Everyone knows nude paintings are worth more.


Icee;  Yay!  The senile old coot didn’t screw up my portrait!  Go get dressed old  man.  The kids are home from school.


Carnation:  I’m totally banning homework when I become heiress.
Leo:  Sorry, kid.  You’ll still be doing homework when I become heir.



Carnation:  Wait for me, Leo!
Leo:  Sorry kid.  Too much to do and I get to take a taxi.  Have fun on your bike, loser!
Paprika:  I really have no interest in painting or writing, MH.  Do I really have to go?

Sorry.  Yep.  As soon as your mom unlocks computers, the next generation can get started writing.  Plus, Grandpa won’t be around forever.  The future needs a portrait painter.


Still in love!  By the end of their generation, the will be eternally faithful.  I love that Twallan fixed that  for his mods.


I was bored while the kids were going from one end of town to paint to the other end of town to write.  Emelie Van Gould is not impressing Cherimoya Marmalade with her new everyday wear.

Emelie:  Well, I’m impressed.  With your mod so that I don’t fry in the sun, I can work on my tan..even at night.
Cherimoya:  You are an idiot.


Oh c’mon, Roarke.  I got you this to make you happy.

Roarke:  I am happy.  Can’t you see my happy?, not really.


Dipsy is aging up already.  I say already, but it has been forever.  My aging broke.  Seriously broke.  I had to redo it all.  Dipsy was set to stay a foal for like 10 days.  I only allow 2 days normally.  All ages were like this.  So Roarke went from 99 years old down to 82 or something.  I can’t remember.  Either that or he went from 82 to 99.  *shrug*


Dipsy:  I iz ready for my mare.  Just back her up right here.


Rose wanted you to know that not only is she still around with her parents, but it’s her birthday too.  (yes, dog and cat aging were crazy too).


Rose:  Sparklez!


I wasn’t expecting her to be so tall.  I just love that face and to see the original lavender and raspberry still going after 7 generations.


Such a sweet boy.  Unicorn horn and traits.

How about a load of horse spam?


I sent them all to run around the track for a bit.


Unicorns and horses love having their hooves cleaned.


Starweaver:  Me next!!


I laughed when I saw that it was Argus Brown.   You’d think they would be scared of a werewolf.




They hung out by the water grazing for a bit.





But they started getting tired and hungry, so it was a race home.





Starweaver:  Back off lady.  Can’t you see I’m getting attention from my hoomin?



I caught Blackberry on Snowbally racing by.  Hi guys!


Leo!  What do you think you’re doing?

Leo:  Trying out this tasty concoction.  The person behind the register said it will help give me extra wish points.

Let’s see.  He went to the arboretum, the art gallery, met a new person, and a bunch of other stuff that was boring.


I can’t remember who she is the child of, but she was our choice for prom date.  I was pretty stoked when she showed up at the art gallery.  Too bad she had aged up to YA at one point before this pic.


Random pick of the Fitzgerald chick guitaring it up in the middle of the night and in the middle of nowhere.


Leo:  *stares creepily at mom’s boobs*  Teach me to drive?

Comet:  Yeah, if  you stop checking out my girls.


While they do that. Here is a shot of the house.  Roarke is making the sprinklers automatic.  He’s been at it all day and there are only three of them.  Paprika is inside with his IF.  Carnation is next to Grandpa with her IF.  Rose or Sophie is eating a plant.  Argh!  Those animals are hell on gardens.  Icee is just standing there like a creeper staring at the front door.


Consigner:  You know there is probably a rule against this lady!

Comet:  Rules shmules.


Comet drank a potion that put her back to YA.  No, this will not extend her time as heiress.  I just hated that she was halfway to elder and Icee was not even halfway to adult yet.  She is almost to level 10 in her career anyway, so it was not to give her more time for her job.


Comet:  I really love you son.  I got a present for you.

Leo:  A car?


Comet:  Well, no not a car.
Leo:  What the heck are you doing mom?!?



Leo:  Oh hell yeah!


Leo:  You’re the best mom in the world.
Comet:  Yes, yes  I am.


Leo pulls off his very first prank ever.  I was tempted to change his wing color, but he almost  has enough points for the King of the Fae reward.  Kid spends all his time doing homework and wishes.  It’s even better now that he can drive the MM.


Leo:  I have something for you, Icee.


Icee:  *cowers* It won’t give me wings will it?


Leo:  Nope.  No wings for you.

Rose:  Gotta pee.  Gotta pee.  No peeing in the house and playing in it.


Icee:  I’m not ready to be different.

Rose:  *zoooom*  Pee outside.  I gotta make it outside.


Icee:  A genie?  You threw a genie elixir at me?

Starweaver:  *snorez*


Icee:  Of all the stupid supernatural things I could be, you chose a genie?!?  Ugh!

Starweaver:  *still snorez*

Yes, Starweaver is a house unicorn.


Leo:  It worked!  I made step-dad a genie!  Yay!


Paprika:  I’m not happy!  Why can’t I be something cool too?  You guys suck!

Omg, you guys!  This update is huge!   73 pics so far.  Still 300 in the folder LOL.   I will be stopping shortly.


As I mentioned.  I made Roarke an NPC through MasterController.  I can right click and follow him around, but I cannot control  him at all.  I think I switched him over after the sprinklers were updated.  He just kept standing around or sitting in his rocking chair.  It was really depressing.

I turned off his ability to move away, but didn’t think about spending money until he bought this car and then bought several properties.  I switched back to sell his car and turn off the money usage.




I took one look at her and loved her.  I used MC to take away her Zombie moodlet and she headed in to prom like a good girl.  Her sister is playing fetch with Harley Hall-something or other.


I have started paying more attention to Roarke lately too.  Him and Starweaver are waiting for the light to turn green.


I’m sure there is something wrong with getting a romance going between a boy and his step-dad’s sister, but  I don’t care.  She’s adorable!

I love the offspring of Lemon and Cocoa so much.  This is one of the last of  the original twins born in Lucky Palms in my for fun file a few months ago.


They did become romantic interests during prom, but  no first kiss or anything.   While they chat, let’s go see who that stranger is at home.


What are you doing here?

Espresso Twist:  I came to woohoo with my romantic interest.

Who’s that?


*dies*  Roarke!  What the heck are you doing??

On that note, I leave you until next time.  Who do you think will be heir?  What other crazy stuff can happen in Moonlight Falls?  How many lullabies will be heard in the next update?  Stay tuned to find out.

*So sorry it was so long, but the animals have been pretty neglected lately*

4 thoughts on “Chapter 5

  1. Lol, the eyeball in painting next to Icee’s portrait is so creepy! a bunch of random paint strokes and random eyeball.

    Yay, we finally get supernaturals into the family! Moar points!

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