Chapter 6

We quite literallly pick up mere seconds after we left off.


Roarke:  You know, if you’re hungry just go in and eat.  The growling from your stomach is annoying.
Espresso:  It’s not me.  It’s the zombie behind you.


They are quite literally everywhere in this save.  I believe Argus might be chasing this one out of his yard.


How come you never look happy?

Roarke:  I’m happy on the inside.  Move along, trying to mate here.


Holy crap, old man.  She’s like 60 years younger than you!

Roake:  Age is just number.

*switches to white border*


I’m waiting to see his happy face.


I haz angry face.


Espresso never left, but she never slept either.  Another stranger appeared, Juicie (Loosie, Loli) Grape.  There are so many Grape’s in town, I can’t remember this ones name.

Roarke:  Shit.  I’m outta here!   Don’t tell them you saw me leave!

Um, what seems to be the problem?

Roarke:  I don’t want my girlfriend to find out about my night with Espresso.

*facepalm*  I totally was shocked, so I made him active.  He has 1 girfriend and 5 romantic interests.  Where was this interest when he was a new YA?  Asshole!


New Consignment Guy:  What can I do for you?
Leo:  Just want to take a look at what you got today, thanks.


Carnation:  The stupid dishwasher is broken.  Why don’t you go fix it or something?
Leo:  And chance getting killed?  I don’t even think so.


Carnation:  How the heck do you do that?  I want to do that!


Carnation:  That was so cool,  Leo!


Leo:  Just stand still.
Carnation:  All the rubies in the world couldn’t make this moment any better.


Carnation:  Yellow is my new favorite color!


Carnation:  This is the best day EVER!


Meanwhile, Icee is attempting to fix the dishwasher.

You better not die!


I heard woohoo music and thought it was Roarke, so I ignored it.  I zoomed  around to find the person when another lullaby was heard.

Icee and Comet!  #%%$!!!


When Roarke is not out on the town driving me nuts, he can be found in front of the washer spaced out.

Leo:  Grandpa, can I try something?
Roarke:  Sure, but if it hurts, I’ll kill you.
Leo:  I don’t think it will hurt.


Leo:  Omg!  What’s that up there, Grandpa?

Roarke *sees nothing*

Leo *casts chattering teeth*


*dies*  I have no words.


Roarke: Eeeee, S-s-so ve-r-r-y, c-c-c-old
Leo:  *giggles*


Roarke:  See this face? This is a happy face.  Funniest thing ever, kid.
Leo: *wipes brow*


Paprika is on horse duty before bed.


Without warning, Leo calls him over and tosses something at his feet.

Paprika:  Please, please don’t let me grow wings.


Paprika:  OMG!  I’m just like Harry Potter!


Since when have you ever wanted to go fishing?  What happened to all your lady friends.

Roarke:  One should try something new once in a while.  As for the women, well they need a break.

Oh please.  Admit it, you are the one needing a break.


Roarke:  I’m ignoring you now.  Leave me alone.


Comet made me so mad.  She has enough space on her job bar that she needs one more day of work to be promoted to level 10.  I mean literally.  10 minutes at work and she will be done.   Unfortunately, she is knocked up so no promotion for several days.  I had her hunt down her boss, Ayden Van Gould.


Even though they are friends because of work, she had never actually met him.  As soon as she realized they were both rebellious, she started throwing out wish after wish for him.  She was never allowed to ask for a promotion, but she did  get a $45 raise.


Comet then went to party when morning sickness kicked in.


Sophie aged up to elder amid all this.


The pop eventually came.  I sure wish those two had waited a day.


Previously, I had gotten word that Cherry started dating Harley.  We then got word they had broken up.

Leo was tasked with getting back with her.



I got this mid-grim for Helen Hall.


Leo comforts Cherry.


Then he drags her off in to the bushes to cop a feel.


Don’t look so surprised girl, you knew what you were getting into.


In fact, I think if there was teen stuff allowed, he would plowed her fields without a protest.


My bad picture taking missed his first kiss.  She did agree to go to 2nd prom with him though.


There was an audience when Comet went into labor.


Just none of them were hoomins.

Comet: *pant*  Hey stop that you two.  She is bringing in Lightfoot’s foals.  Back off.  *scream*


She eventually got to the hospital and brought home a little girl named Vtolet.  Then she hunted down Ayden to try again with the promotion junk.


Instead, Ayden was pretty hungry and bit Comet.


Comet:  You bit me.  Right there!
Ayden:  Yes and you’re very tasty I might add.
Comet:  I dare you to do it again.


And he did.


Roarke went and added (or tried to add) a new girl to his stable.  Cherimoya seemed be falling for it too.


Aww, there’s little Violet getting ready for her birthday.


She is a miserable little thing, but at least she is potty trained.


Roarke adds another to his stable.


She looks hypnotized.  How does he do it?




Cakes were bought for the cutest twins in Moonlight Falls.


Carnation:  It isn’t fair!  It was my turn to go first.


Anyway, I put in the newest Overwatch version and it’s causing me a lot of trouble.  The day after Comet got bitten and was doing something, she hard reset and when I found her, she was a vampire already.  She still had two days of waiting.  If anyone sat still for any amount of time, the whole town would reset themselves.  This caused a lot of wishes and opportunities to fail.

Anyway, it’s really annoying.


She looks a lot like Comet and will not be heiress.


I’m not waiting for this miserable little brat to grow up either.  She’s actually cute, except she is going to destroy all the furniture in the house and I hate her for it.  She is a genie like Icee though.

All three teens ran off to prom.


Things are progressing as planned.


Later on, I sent him off to her house to bring her home with him.  He ignored me and gave her a massage instead.

Leo!  I told you to take her home!
Leo:  I’m working up to it, hold your horses.

Leo, this is a big birthday for this family.  You are officially going to be heir when you turn YA.

Leo:  *blank stare*  Baby, we gotta go.


Starweaver:  Birthday party! I bet my invite got lost in the mail again.

Here is another instance of OW acting up.  As soon as Cherry blew out her candles and did her spin, she reset home.


But not before Great Grandma Alani came over from the graveyard next door to help wish them a Happy Birthday.


Comet:  OMG!  She disappeared!  Whatever shall we do!!  My poor baby is probably devastated.

She was found a few hours later, Comet.  Relax.  She made it home okay.


In fact, Leo found her the next morning and they had a nice play session.


Unfortunately, she rebuffs all romantic interactions.  Leo is puzzled and Cherry is pissed.

I figured out that even though she is YA, her hard reset didn’t update her status.  She still shows as a high school student.  I took her into CAS and aged her down to teen and then back up to YA without any trouble.


We interrupt Leo and Cherry for a lullaby!  That damn Roarke knocked up the Sumari chick he’s been nailing all week.


Then I heard more woohoo music and zoomed over and caught these two smug faces.  I did not hear a lullaby, but that doesn’t mean anything in my games.


The CAS method worked.  About a sim hour later, she righted herself to the correct settings and agreed to move in.

Leo is over the moon.


Leo:  Okay, baby, just stand right there and don’t move.

Cherry:  *suspiciously*  Leo, what are you going to do to me?

Stay Tuned!  Unfortunately,  Violet was missing a lot of the time because the game ate her and she disappeared.  She was still listed on the family tree, but she was later found dead in the mausoleum.  I felt it was okay to debugenable/resurrect her since it was a game glitch and not something that I did to kill her.

Generation 7 starts next time!

Chapter 5

Well, I went in game yesterday to play for a bit…and well, I never stopped playing.  The horse legacy has ended with the birth of the 11th generation.  The birth of generation 8 was done too.  So sit  back and be prepared for an excessive amount of updates.  How about 500 pics worth?

How would you like to see what Roarke does as an NPC?  Yep, I gave him free rein halfway through the update.  O.o  He was not allowed to move and then after buying 110k car, he was not allowed to spend money either.


Well, Carnation is still in need of skillz.  I believe that Paprika is done and just waiting for a birthday.


Did you guys meet Myra last update?  She is going to help bring in generation 10.


For some reason,  Icee has 5 days off of work.  Good thing he’s level one.  He quit his job and then rehired in.


Comet: Show me what you got, Puddin Man.


Comet:  That’s all you have?  Woe is me *sob*
Bella:  You are seriously imbalanced lady.


Comet:  How am I going  to survive?  Your selection is so depressing.
Bella:  Oh geez, lady.  Will you just buy that genie potion and get the hell out of the way.
Hall Lady:  *sings* Comet is an overdramatic fool.  She is acting so uncool..lalalalalal

Everything sorta snowballs right here.


Paprika blows out candles.


Generation 10, Lightfoot (I think) Dipsy is born.


Carnation blows out candles.


And Leo got a makeover and I fell in love.

Leo:  Really?  I get to be heir?  I can’t wait to tell all my friends!

Um, you don’t have any friends.

Leo:  Well, if I did, I would tell them.

I am still not ready to make a choice, but I’m not doing heir polls anymore so you’ll know soonish.


Paprika:  Oh yes, yes!  No more diapers and bottles.  Oh happy day!!    MH, makeover.  STAT!  I want everyone to see my awesomeness.

Yeah, okay.


Oh Gawd.  I love him.

Paprika:  You call this a makeover?  Are you serious?



Paprika:  Okay just making sure.  Yay!  Makeover!


Carnation:  Why did that idiot go first?  First to his cake, first to eat cake and now first to get a makeover.  I don’t do seconds!


Carnation:  This is not a good makeover!  I don’t want to be blue.  I want to be normal!

*backs slowly away*


Paprika wanted to bottle feed Dipsy.


Carnation:  Blocks?  You want me to play with baby toys?

Oh hush and just do it.  A simple thanks would suffice.

Carnation:  Gee, thanks.   See my happy face?


The precious out in the light.


Comet got a promotion.  I think she got to level 8 here.


Oh dear god.  I hope the kids are gone.

Um, Roarke hunny, you seem to be missing some items.

Roarke:  What?  Sometimes a man has just got to be free.  Flap in the wind, so to speak.


Um.  Clothes. NOW!

Roarke:  Not yet…and stop looking at my ass.


Icee;  Dude!  Seriously?  You want to paint my portrait..nekkid?
Roarke:  Of course!  Everyone knows nude paintings are worth more.


Icee;  Yay!  The senile old coot didn’t screw up my portrait!  Go get dressed old  man.  The kids are home from school.


Carnation:  I’m totally banning homework when I become heiress.
Leo:  Sorry, kid.  You’ll still be doing homework when I become heir.



Carnation:  Wait for me, Leo!
Leo:  Sorry kid.  Too much to do and I get to take a taxi.  Have fun on your bike, loser!
Paprika:  I really have no interest in painting or writing, MH.  Do I really have to go?

Sorry.  Yep.  As soon as your mom unlocks computers, the next generation can get started writing.  Plus, Grandpa won’t be around forever.  The future needs a portrait painter.


Still in love!  By the end of their generation, the will be eternally faithful.  I love that Twallan fixed that  for his mods.


I was bored while the kids were going from one end of town to paint to the other end of town to write.  Emelie Van Gould is not impressing Cherimoya Marmalade with her new everyday wear.

Emelie:  Well, I’m impressed.  With your mod so that I don’t fry in the sun, I can work on my tan..even at night.
Cherimoya:  You are an idiot.


Oh c’mon, Roarke.  I got you this to make you happy.

Roarke:  I am happy.  Can’t you see my happy?, not really.


Dipsy is aging up already.  I say already, but it has been forever.  My aging broke.  Seriously broke.  I had to redo it all.  Dipsy was set to stay a foal for like 10 days.  I only allow 2 days normally.  All ages were like this.  So Roarke went from 99 years old down to 82 or something.  I can’t remember.  Either that or he went from 82 to 99.  *shrug*


Dipsy:  I iz ready for my mare.  Just back her up right here.


Rose wanted you to know that not only is she still around with her parents, but it’s her birthday too.  (yes, dog and cat aging were crazy too).


Rose:  Sparklez!


I wasn’t expecting her to be so tall.  I just love that face and to see the original lavender and raspberry still going after 7 generations.


Such a sweet boy.  Unicorn horn and traits.

How about a load of horse spam?


I sent them all to run around the track for a bit.


Unicorns and horses love having their hooves cleaned.


Starweaver:  Me next!!


I laughed when I saw that it was Argus Brown.   You’d think they would be scared of a werewolf.




They hung out by the water grazing for a bit.





But they started getting tired and hungry, so it was a race home.





Starweaver:  Back off lady.  Can’t you see I’m getting attention from my hoomin?



I caught Blackberry on Snowbally racing by.  Hi guys!


Leo!  What do you think you’re doing?

Leo:  Trying out this tasty concoction.  The person behind the register said it will help give me extra wish points.

Let’s see.  He went to the arboretum, the art gallery, met a new person, and a bunch of other stuff that was boring.


I can’t remember who she is the child of, but she was our choice for prom date.  I was pretty stoked when she showed up at the art gallery.  Too bad she had aged up to YA at one point before this pic.


Random pick of the Fitzgerald chick guitaring it up in the middle of the night and in the middle of nowhere.


Leo:  *stares creepily at mom’s boobs*  Teach me to drive?

Comet:  Yeah, if  you stop checking out my girls.


While they do that. Here is a shot of the house.  Roarke is making the sprinklers automatic.  He’s been at it all day and there are only three of them.  Paprika is inside with his IF.  Carnation is next to Grandpa with her IF.  Rose or Sophie is eating a plant.  Argh!  Those animals are hell on gardens.  Icee is just standing there like a creeper staring at the front door.


Consigner:  You know there is probably a rule against this lady!

Comet:  Rules shmules.


Comet drank a potion that put her back to YA.  No, this will not extend her time as heiress.  I just hated that she was halfway to elder and Icee was not even halfway to adult yet.  She is almost to level 10 in her career anyway, so it was not to give her more time for her job.


Comet:  I really love you son.  I got a present for you.

Leo:  A car?


Comet:  Well, no not a car.
Leo:  What the heck are you doing mom?!?



Leo:  Oh hell yeah!


Leo:  You’re the best mom in the world.
Comet:  Yes, yes  I am.


Leo pulls off his very first prank ever.  I was tempted to change his wing color, but he almost  has enough points for the King of the Fae reward.  Kid spends all his time doing homework and wishes.  It’s even better now that he can drive the MM.


Leo:  I have something for you, Icee.


Icee:  *cowers* It won’t give me wings will it?


Leo:  Nope.  No wings for you.

Rose:  Gotta pee.  Gotta pee.  No peeing in the house and playing in it.


Icee:  I’m not ready to be different.

Rose:  *zoooom*  Pee outside.  I gotta make it outside.


Icee:  A genie?  You threw a genie elixir at me?

Starweaver:  *snorez*


Icee:  Of all the stupid supernatural things I could be, you chose a genie?!?  Ugh!

Starweaver:  *still snorez*

Yes, Starweaver is a house unicorn.


Leo:  It worked!  I made step-dad a genie!  Yay!


Paprika:  I’m not happy!  Why can’t I be something cool too?  You guys suck!

Omg, you guys!  This update is huge!   73 pics so far.  Still 300 in the folder LOL.   I will be stopping shortly.


As I mentioned.  I made Roarke an NPC through MasterController.  I can right click and follow him around, but I cannot control  him at all.  I think I switched him over after the sprinklers were updated.  He just kept standing around or sitting in his rocking chair.  It was really depressing.

I turned off his ability to move away, but didn’t think about spending money until he bought this car and then bought several properties.  I switched back to sell his car and turn off the money usage.




I took one look at her and loved her.  I used MC to take away her Zombie moodlet and she headed in to prom like a good girl.  Her sister is playing fetch with Harley Hall-something or other.


I have started paying more attention to Roarke lately too.  Him and Starweaver are waiting for the light to turn green.


I’m sure there is something wrong with getting a romance going between a boy and his step-dad’s sister, but  I don’t care.  She’s adorable!

I love the offspring of Lemon and Cocoa so much.  This is one of the last of  the original twins born in Lucky Palms in my for fun file a few months ago.


They did become romantic interests during prom, but  no first kiss or anything.   While they chat, let’s go see who that stranger is at home.


What are you doing here?

Espresso Twist:  I came to woohoo with my romantic interest.

Who’s that?


*dies*  Roarke!  What the heck are you doing??

On that note, I leave you until next time.  Who do you think will be heir?  What other crazy stuff can happen in Moonlight Falls?  How many lullabies will be heard in the next update?  Stay tuned to find out.

*So sorry it was so long, but the animals have been pretty neglected lately*

Chapter 4


Well, we return.  After the shocking, okay maybe not shocking.  How about unexpected results of the last chapter, it was time to get started on a new man for Comet.  She is level 6 in her career and she is a few days from her next life stage.  We need babies to add to our heir options.


Leighton Sekemoto:  Sorry, lady.  I got a woman.


His mom had a LTW of Surrounded by family.  Since the original Yumi is an elder, when I did the SV makeovers, I made her an adult.   I found out she was working on the wish on her own.  I have no clue who the other parent is.


Comet:  You are technically not supposed to age up for a day or 3, but your parents won’t stop having babies.  There are NINE of you in this house.  Time to grow up and move out.

Cocoa and Lemon won’t stop having babies!  I’m shocked..yeah, no I’m not.  They love babies.  Lime, Icee and the girl were aged up to YA in the hopes that they would move out.  I got a pop up that Lemon was pregnant again and she usually has multiples.  Then I found out there are NO empty homes in town.


Comet was being turned down left and right.  No matter who she talked to, they were taken.  I finally got bored and had her chat up this guy.  When they had compatible signs, I then queued her up with a bunch of romantic stuffs and went to check on the house.


Comet and mystery man got on really well and I had them take it up a notch and made it a date.  She wanted a drink and ran in to Cruz and MI.  They both must still have their cheating moodlets, because Comet booed the hell out of them.  Trying to make a good impression, mystery man booed them also.   I also get the feeling that MI has not showered in the three days since Roarke beat her up 6 times.  She had to pause one of the fights to pee herself.


Icee is revealed earning brownie points with Comet.


They “toured” the theater and watched the stars together afterward.  In case you’re wondering, Icee had started working out to the radio at the club and never got dressed again.  Comet did not complain.


Out of nowhere, Icee refused her flirt and Comet went OFF!  I was like great..last eligible guy and she’s chasing him away.


The date was over before they watched the stars, so I was quite surprised that when I sent her home, he came with.  By then all was forgiven and I left them to do whatever.


Jewel:  What would really upset the old hag?  Oh, I know.  *whisper whisper whisper*


Magic 8 Ball:  Totally!  (there were other words involved, but I only remember the totally! part).


Jewel:  Oh Yes! Yes!  That will kill them!  Now, what kind of supernatural should I become?



We interrupt teen wackiness for..Comet moving things to the next level.


Dammit, Sophie.  Get your thought bubble out of the way.  You’re giving away secrets!
Lightfoot:  What the hell is that thing she is proposing too?


Sophie, just stop it.  Go away.  You’re driving me nuts.

Sophie: Something wrong with that hoomin.  Except, it’s not a hoomin.


Icee *plays dumb*




Leo has now been gone for 5 days.  It’s his birth…..WTF?  His age bar says 7 days to age up?  Well, this is lame.  Jewel turns YA in two days and Leo didn’t age at boarding school.


Sorry kid, no cake for you.  I’m too annoyed right now.


Not bad, I guess.  You have a while to convince me why you should be heir.

Leo: *skulks away in silence*

Creepy kid.


These two do have the My Love moodlet.  Comet is doing the Get Frisky action on her own.  I was amused.


They were interrupted so that Icee could go graduate.  He was voted Most Likely to Be a Sports Star.  He is a level 1 in sports.  This was completed by Asterix, I believe, so I won’t make him change since Cruz did complete his career before going all stupid.


The theater woohoo brought on the desired results.


Leo: Yes!  I get to harvest the bees!
Comet:  Quit ruining my moment.  I am bonding with the fetus.


Leo:  OW!  The bees are attackiing!  MEDIC!!
Comet:  *laughs*


Leo:  Mom!  Help!

He did survive the encounter.  I promise.


Bridgitte (right) came to visit.  Icee played with her.

Sophie: He’s weird, sister.  Be careful!


I am just on a roll today.  This girl was adopted, but I can’t remember her name for the life of me.  Roarke gets her all settled in.


Lightfoot came to investigate the new female.  After a bit, they started grooming each other.  I will get foals started in a couple of days.  Sophie is pregnant though.


Okay scratch that, now she is pregnant.


Jewel is the only sim in history that went to prom and only had two pop ups.  She generated one for going to prom and another when the prom was over.  I checked, there were 10 other teens there.  She did not even get a crown, but she did get a photo.  Oh well, it is now her birthday and time for her to move on.

Yes, everyone did show up, I promise.


She did turn out quite nicely too.  I was pretty surprised.


Comet is huge and she’s still at least a day from popping, walked by with her cake.  The paparazzi chick saw a ghost and fainted.


Cruz’s mom, Sofia was out visiting tonight.  I started to think about Roarke’s age bar and decided he better have friends on the other side.


Ugh, the lighting in this world is getting downright annoying.  It ruins everything.


This is unreal.  You can’t even see them, but Cookie and Joy are also out.  That is not Starweaver back there either.  The hoomins are Asterix and Nicholas.  Mint Chip is laying down in the foreground.  Sofia is still chatting up Roarke.   That is 3 hoomins, 3 dogs, 5 horses.  The most ghosts I have had outside at one time.


So, I have a full moon people.  Where the heck are my zombies?


I hear zombies like plants, so Comet and Roarke start up a garden.  Unfortunately, after the original Jill and Gussie Garden was gotten rid of in Generation 4, no one has ever gotten a garden above putrid quality.  Comet is continuing on, but she has graduated to horrifying.


Puppies!  OMG.  They are so cute.  The one by itself on the left is Maynard, the only male.  The two on the right are Rose and Cinnamon.  EA named them all.


Rose:  There’s something wrong with that hoomin, sister!
Cinnamon:  Whew, I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that.


You have to understand, I had been so confused ever since Icee was met, that I thought you should be confused too.

Cinnamon:  Hoomin, there is something odd about you!
Icee:  Married  😀


I swear until the end of the update, I was like WTF?


No matter what, they ignore the Slymer ghost, and keep staring at Icee with that thought bubble.


It was time to start the foal cooking.  It will take two more tries before it takes though.


I’m not doing it on purpose, but No, you can’t eat right now.


Comet;  OMG!  I’m so hungry it feels like the pain is eating through my uterus.


Well, it was not hunger pains after all.  They did stay babies for 24 hours, but that was all I could handle.

I promise, I’m opening my game now because I can’t remember their names.


Grandpa was the first to get to our heiress.


Icee started the potty training.


???:  No!  Want Gwampa.


Mom stopped teaching her to talk out of nowhere.  So she came to play with pegs.


My bad.  Comet is a full adult while Icee is only 5 days into YA.


After some dinner, she was more agreeable to talking.


Icee and the male ??  both had to stop for dinner too.  I swear it took 10 sits and 5 empties before this idiot could figure out how to do it by himself.

Prepare yourself for the weirdest exchange ever –


They would not leave her alone.  I believe it was only Rose and Cinnamon.  Maynard could care less.  They do not do it to the boy though.

I finally had to investigate.  I thought the animals were just weird to Icee, but I had to figure out what to do and how to fix it.


Whelp?  Do you see the abnormality?  Oh hey!  They do have names.

I checked.  Icee has the same hidden trait.  All his siblings that are teen or older have the same hidden trait.  I know for a FACT that Lemon is not an imaginary friend.  Cocoa was born in game as a vampire..not an imaginary friend.  It turns out that ALL the TEENS in my game are now hidden IF’s.

I do what I always do when I come across weirdness.  TWALLAN!  And instead I found This Thread

I am so glad I was not alone.  I have since fixed everyone (like two seconds ago).

The father to the puppies was put up for adoption and is no longer showing up D:  I should have had him move in with Jewel, but I didn’t think of it.  Lightfoot’s pregnant mate is named Myra.

Doggy Heir – Not having a poll or anything, but here they are in alphabetical order.

Cinnamon - leftCinnamon - right

Cinnamon left and right side views.  Sports a butterfly long forgotten about on her hind leg.

Maynard - leftMaynard - right

No butterfly, but Maynard is sporting not only the dots, but the speckles from a long time ago, like his sister above.

Rose LeftRose - right

Rose is sporting a colors that traces back to her great-great-grandparents, Mint and Elderberry.  She has spots, speckles, and green from Wallflower, just like the others.

Also, should Carnation be made a supernatural to make up for me killing off her IF form?  Or should she marry a Supernatural and stay a hoomin?   I will let you guys state your opinions on the matter.

Oh!  Sometime after the babies were born, but before they hit toddler, Mineral Ice died.  I will be collecting her grave too and adding it to the yard.  So far, only Court is missing, but no big loss.

Roarke’s life bar is maxed D;