Chapter 6

So, this did not take as long as it could have, but I did think I would have an October update.  Oh well, I only missed it by a single day.  Last time, a lot of time was spent on the animals and careers.  Both idiots ended up pregnant too.  Katherine tossed out twins, Zachary and Alyssa.



Speaking of, here they are.  The first of Generation 10.


Erica finally does her maternity spin.  I also plan on leaving her in this wonderful getup.

Between the first two pics and this one, I had a major computer upgrade.  I sure hope it helps with the issues of this game.  


Yes, you do have two parents that don’t want kids.  Oops.  They are always starving for food and attention.  I think my new processor scared my save because the save now stutters and it takes about 12 hours to get anything done.


Erica:  Those things are crying.
Katherine:  Yes, I hear them, but I am just going to stand here with my stupid smirk.



Katherine:  I peed myself.  So, I will put the starving girl back in the crib so I can go take a shower.
No.  No you will not.  You will live in that stench until they are fed dammit.  Or die.


You honestly cannot yell at her because she is neglected, dumbass.

*Quits without saving and stops playing for over a month*


Erica: That dog is seriously going to pee while I am right here?
Looks like it.

I did spend 8 hours going back and forth between this save and the old one when Leo was still alive.  They left several pets from the horse and dog line that broke the family tree apart.  THAT is why Starweaver and Lily were able to be mated.  Eww.  So, Persimmon, Dipsy and Lightfoot were hunted down along with Taffy, Champagne and Micah.  Then spent the rest of the time resurrecting and fixing the line, then TAing the duplicates.  It was a mess, but finally have things in perfect order.


Erica did her maternity spin again.


Upstairs Katherine is doing a bang up job keeping the tots happy.


It’s their weekend, so both learn to walk.


Katherine:  Why do I have to do this one too?
Because Erica needed a trip in the motive mobile and she also happens to have an opportunity to do.


Katherine was then able to take off for her opportunity too.  This brought in the babysitter from hell.  She refused to deal with the twins and I think she was after Lily.


So, I did what anyone would do.  I built fencing around every open space and deleted the door through the garage.  She then stood here all day pissed off.

I deleted that bitch.


The mommy’s got home within minutes and were able to get the babies fed and put to sleep.  Tomorrow, they learn to potty.


I am still freaked out a bit about the inbreeding, so Booty was sold off.

GooGoo:  You have food.  Feed me!


Yes, yes I am sure.  Thanks.


Meanwhile, Erica is left alone with the twins while Katherine gets Lily impregnated at the horse place thingy.


And the next morning, I built them a new house.  I wanted a single level and less clutter in the yard.


The moms made sure the twins were fed and happy before heading to work.  They are all skilled up too.  The new babysitter did a nice job of keeping the twins happy and harassing the pets.


Last night was Halloween, so it was only fitting that no less than 20 ghost pets were running around.  The humans were still in the inventory for now.  I also went ahead and linked Cruz Martingale (now Martingale-Riffin) as Comet’s dad.


Lily wanted to ignite something, so I then had her extinguish it.  Yumi is almost an elder, so we need 20,000 points for a young again potion for her or we will not have any puppies.


Forgive the house.  After a day spent in the family tree and the other half spent building, I was in no mood to decorate.  In fact, the house does not have lights!   Oops.

Anyway, baby time!


She gets home early the next morning.  She puts the two babies away while the carpool honks for her.


She also brought this home with her.  Why?


I finally remembered lights, but most importantly, it’s birthday time!


Alyssa is Absent-Minded, Loser, and Heavy Sleeper.
Man, you’re a real winner.
Alyssa:  Screw you.


Zachary went next.  He is Disciplined, Perceptive and Charismatic.


Lily gave birth to a wonderful boy, Marble (named when I thought it was a girl), but she is just a horse sadly.


I felt bad, but Marble was put to stud and then sold.  Lily was bred again, unicorn or horse, this will be the last one, so he/she might just be a plain horse for Generation 10.  I did use the same stud so these two will be siblings.


Erica seems to prefer Zachary over Alyssa.  Good thing I want a male for the last generation.


It is now 9 am.  Zachary never went to school, Alyssa is taking a shower and the twins are dirty and hungry.


At 10:30, the babysitter got both juice and brain freeze ice cream for Alyssa.  At 11 she finally fed the boy twin.


At 12:30, she sets him on the floor, still smelly.


At 3:30, she sets him down outside.  Girl twin has not been held, fed or changed since being born at 6am.

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Now that Erica is off of work, she has to hurry home before the social worker comes.  She also got to choose the investigative branch today.

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Things are going downhill for our babysitter.  While Erica feeds the girl baby, Katherine plays bad cop and shakes down the babysitter for $467.  I had to add her to the household, so she’s only getting her own money, but who cares.


Grim did show up a few seconds later, but it was not for the bad babysitter.  I was so distraught.


Duchess was a much loved pet and everyone dropped what they were doing.  I was glad she was not alone in her final moments.


Screw you, you frakkin’ bitch.  Alyssa was too dumb to leave her stupid IF alone and she did not bother to show up either.  I am not being mean.  That girl is dumb as a post.


Remember when I said she took a shower?  She has been right in this spot since then.  It is now 6:02 pm.  She took her shower between 9am and noon.


Of course, she must have felt me watching her.  Two seconds later she moved outside, but not to mourn a Duchess.

Alyssa:  Mommy, I have been blocking the shower all day and now I need a bedtime story.
Katherine:  I just lost my BFF, kid.
Alyssa:  I demand a bedtime story.
Katherine:  Fine.
Then Alyssa forgets and wanders off like a moron.


Both babies are now happy and ready for bed.  Erica will now deal with that babysitter.


Starweaver decides that the bad babysitter should be cursed.


Then the babysitter combusted.  My first intentional death since this whole thing started (not counting the whole assassination story a few chapters ago).

I am not sorry.  Luckily no one else died.


It took the whole death, but I got everyone off the lot safely and soon the bad babysitter was no more.


The new babysitter was only there for a few minutes, but she did feed, change and play with the boy twin.


While Erica swept up the ashes and destroyed the grave left behind, Katherine got the girl twin taken care of for the night.  They will have their birthday (and proper introduction) tomorrow.

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Dammit, Katherine!  Isn’t four enough?

I did lock it in, but Erica has to want another one before I even consider it.


Oh, I thought she left!  Instead, she out making friends with Cashew, another grave found in Sunlit Tides.  He is Lily’s brother.  Lily, meanwhile, got the notice that she is pregnant.  Our last foal of Generation 9 is on its way.


We top off our day of deaths with another one.  He will join his relatives out front.

I then got sidetracked landscaping, so we will end this here while I finish that and maybe start on the indoors too.

3 thoughts on “Chapter 6

  1. The kids are adorable, especially Zachary; such huge eyes! I forgot about the 3 day pregnancy, only two toddlers at a time is a bit easier. Though it’s sad that Erica doesn’t have her parents around to help with the nooboos, as the rest of the generations have.

    I love it when you build houses, they always look like what real houses look like. You’re great at the landscaping 🙂

    1. Zachary is great. I was sort of shocked that Erica wanted to keep him and send the other off to boarding school.

      Thanks! I have improved a lot over the course of this challenge (along with practice in other challenges/legacies). I am still not great at it, but I don’t absolutely hate doing it anymore. All of my houses are built from actual house plans.

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