Chapter 1

I am Jill and my companion is Blossom.  We decided to see if we could survive like it was the 1800’s again.

There was no way I was going to dress like it was the 1800’s though.  There is only so much sacrifice I’m willing to do.


I even built this shack house with my own two hands.  The door doesn’t look like how it’s supposed though.  I hope it lets me in.Screenshot-17

Yep, I even dug out the pond myself and plowed me a garden spot.


I spared no expense on furnishings…can’t you tell??


I bet you’re wondering why I’m riding a bike instead of my trusty Nag?   Well, that’s because I splurged and got her bred for 300 simoleans.

It must have been a tiring experience ‘cuz she is plum tuckered out.   As for me, I’m off to investigate the town.


Me and this Johnny Johnson character hated each other on sight.  To the left is Shawnee Fox, who is married.

I totally would have broken up the marriage to get a hold of Bramble, his awesome horse, but the wife is with child.  Even I won’t stoop that low.


I ended up lost somewhere and stopped to get directions from this guy.  He wouldn’t help out until we  played for a little bit.


We got to chatting and found out that our signs were compatible and he was single Open-mouthed smile   Score!



Yep, I’ll take him to go, please.


A few sim hours later and in the same exact spot we met,  I finally got up the nerve to hug him to gauge his response.



We got married on the spot.  By that time we were both starving, tired and had to pee…badly.


Hey!  No cars allowed!   I have handlebars!  *sob*  Don’t leave me in the dark, alone.


We immediately got down to business…well after partaking in a couple of apples and a pee break.


I forgot to show off my high class bathroom.  I don’t care what you say…my rainbow tub RULES!


hmm I totally need to repaint that stall.  How boring.


Eveyone knows what this means Open-mouthed smile  Plus the meager start to my garden.


This raccoon right here, is my hero.  He started the awesomeness to come.  Nah, I won’t tell you.  It gets it’s very own section.


Gussie was on his way to sign up for the military and spied this guy Curley’s garden.  He helped himself.


He faithfully rides the bike everywhere.  What a good guy!


In the meantime. I’m nauseous, starving and I want a girl!


Gussie:  “I’m a studly kinda man.  I refuse to get in a rainbow tub!”

Jill:  “It’s the rainbow tub of complete awesomeness.  It’s not going anywhere.”


Gussie: “FIne, but I’m hiding under my hat.”

Jill: “Sorry, was taking a mental picture.  Did you say something?”


Hurry up and get here little one.  I am so going to need help combating these weeds.

I think Blossom is about ready to pop.  She is never to far away from lately.



Gussie: “In honor of getting Level 4, here is an amazing massage.”

Jill:  *whimper*


Jill: “Hey, guess what?   I got a bun in the oven!”

Gussie: “I thought we weren’t allowed stoves?”

Jill: *blank stare*

Gussie:  “Just kidding! Good job!”


First foal.  His name is Charm (computer generated, didn’t feel like changing it).

He will be sold after aging and skilling his racing and jumping.  Only female horses will be heir.


This is what I bought with some of the $3,000 simoleans that Gussie brought in.  The rest went to seeds, books and fast food.


A/N:   *blank stare*    I didn’t even know he left for work…LOL   I sent him to the gym after I saw the payment hit the little bit of funds they had.

  I thought he was totally knocked up, but after standing there for several hours, I finally reset him.  Then he was invisible.

I then got this weird feeling.


Unicorn in the back with about 4 wild horses.  Yep, you guessed it.  All of them are invisible too.  Including Blossom and Charm.

Exited without saving.  It better come back!

I think I went back to the day before.


I worked on the garden and he worked on his athletics.   Blossom kept trying to eat the plants, so I had to spend what was left of our savings for fencing.

AND then….


He had to quit his job.  He became a self-employed Horseman.

Absolutely nothing happens for what seems like simturies.  I am stopping here, but there is a secret part two coming up soon.

Oh duh..addendum.  Jill is Flirty, Loves the Outdoors, Neat, Green Thumb and Equestrian.

Gussie is a Great Kisser, Family Oriented, Bookworm, Athletic and Equestrian.

6 thoughts on “Chapter 1

  1. Uh oh! No glitches allowed, damn it! I love Jill and Blossom, and Gussie seems perfect for her. Can’t wait to see the baby! Oh, and your rainbow tub is awesome. XD

  2. I have been extremely lucky since the strangeness above happened. *knock on wood* No other glitches, crashes or errors….so far.

    I wanted to steal Bramble Fox from the Fox family, but he was grown. Blossom is an (before game start) aged Willow Fox. The only change other than the aging was the addition of the stars. I wanted to keep everything except the heir a “townie”.

    I love that tub. I can’t believe the random button shot that out.

  3. Just discovered this challenge because of your blog and it looks really interesting. I always wanted to try the Apocalypse challenge but the rules were always so daunting. I’m excited to read yours. It’s really good already! 🙂

  4. Hello! I followed you over here from Boolprop. Love the start to this legacy!

    Sorry about all the glitches. Those drive me bonkers.

    Can’t wait to see how it continues…

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