Chapter 1.5: Pet

Let’s check in with Jack first.

Jack:  Who might you be?
Strange dog:  I might be who was made to give you heirs.  I am called Joy.

Jack:  Play?  I have no one to play with!  Will you?
Joy:  Of course.

So weird!  Doggy love at first sight.  I told you people there’s something in the water here.

A/N: This is Eloni Island.  Asterix is from this world, but this is a brand new town.  His family with 15 brothers and sisters are tucked in a folder gathering dust…for now.

Jack: So hot stuff..wanna make some puppies?
Joy:  Lead the way, stud.

I don’t believe I have ever seen the doghouse rock that high before.  You go, Jack.  Poor guy is a virgin and turns elder the next day.  You do the math.

I think I heard a lullaby you two.

With 4 people, 2 dogs, and Orion, Indigo, Star and her…I chose to just have her bred instead of trying to stuff more horses in.

After the lullaby, Girl Friday, had a couple of easy wishes to do, and I need more auto cleaning stalls…so

She sniffed Nicholas and then

Then blessed him.  Nicholas then trotted off to attempt a blessed tfb with Alani.

Okay, he didn’t have one day.  Jack turned elder the night of his pup/s.

Awww…I’ve never seen this before.  This is when I zoom over to the hoomins and hear the lullaby for Marie and Asterix.  Yep, all the babies are within hours of each other, except Marie.  I believe my pets are only pregnant for two days or something.

She had one little boy.  He is adorable, but did not get mom’s butterflies that I can see.


Out in back meanwhile…

Girl Friday gives us Spring.  A little female.

Her only marking is the faint red at the corner of the mouth.

Cookie:  Either love me or put me down…I’m not a purse to be toted around.

She does put him down and then goes in to finally tell Asterix that she is preg.

Spring:  Carrot?  Gimme!

Cookie ages up.

As does Spring.

Spring was born at level 6 of jumping.  She sold for $4482.  I immediately bred Girl Friday right then.

Stupid gnomes have blocked off the salt lick.   Anyway…

Girl Friday gives us Milky Way…the heir.

Horse and no uni traits.   I am going to have to go out and hopefully adopt a uni while Alani is still alive.  Both Orion and Indigo are like 20 yrs past death..and still kicking.  Crazy guys.

Full star on the nose.

Blossom’s line is in Generation 6.  I wish I had thought to do a family tree with every horse born.  I hate that it broke with the moves.

Well I was correct that the deck would keep the horses from being too close, but they hate it.  Unicorns need a lot of attention, especially of the hoomin variety,

Gussie and Minty came out to watch the stars over the water.

I did a quick Cookie inspection:

Elderberry’s tail ring (yay!), Minty’s little spots and right there on the hind leg is a small blue/green portion of a butterfly.  I might try for another, but I am pretty happy with Cookie.

I’m worried about my boys, so I’m spamming them a bit.

Orion – Generation 2 – 78 years old.  My Horse age span is set at 54 years.  I’m sure it has something to do with the unicorn trait, but not sure.

Indigo – Generation 3 – 73 years old.   Trying to do the math here.  When Indigo was born, Alani was learning to potty.  Alani is now 83..okay that’s about right, give or take 2-3 horse years.

Shooting Star – Generation 4 – 59 years old.  I went back and checked this.  Indigo had 5 foals before we got Shooting Star!

Girl Friday is only 14 years old, since poor Shooting Star was mateless for 90% of his life.

Jack is 3 days past turning elder and Nicholas is holding up at 96.   I foresee a slew of deaths…and I am not ready.  Blossom is the only horse I’ve lost and I was a blubbering fool afterwards.

Jinxed the family.  Three visits by Grimmy in 2 sim days.  I will deal with them in the next updates.

5 thoughts on “Chapter 1.5: Pet

  1. Aw! Lovely update!
    So, if I get it right your horses live longer than your Sims? And your dogies only sligthly less so?
    I’ve also wondered… do your pets count as family members? Would it make for more rooms in the house?
    Strange the pets haven’t noticed Rourke. Or maybe they haven’t just yet?
    Anyway, so glad that you are back on track! 🙂

  2. They aren’t supposed to live longer. The hoomins are around 90-93 days, can’t quite remember off hand. Horses are at 50 something and dogs are a lot less than that.

    I don’t think they count for rooms since all of mine are outdoor pets and even if they were inside, the pet beds are minuscule. I only played into the first couple of child days of Roarke. He did interact a bit with the animals, but then a ton of stuff happened. I even think I broke a major rule, but it was totally deserved.

  3. Yay for Cookie getting Elderberry’s tail rings! That was my favorite part of Elder. XD WOW, I can’t believe how long the horses are living! In my undocumented test EPIC, they adopted a unicorn and it said he’d live 100 and some days in his adult stage. 0.0 So it definitely must be the uni trait. Milky Way is so awesome!

    1. Oh wow! I know that Milky Way has less of a lifespan as his mother, which leaves me less time to find him a mate. I’m starting to worry about his non-uni trait killing the line. They do live forever though. I think I have horses set in the 50 year range and Orion and Indigo or somewhere in the 70’s, I think.

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