Chapter 2

I hate to say it, but I have 104 pics from almost a month and a half ago and I have no memory of what was going on.  So, this will be a highlight reel more than anything.  If my memory is jogged, I will fill in the information.

I do seem to recall having to redo the Comet and Cruz marriage…how exciting.


These two continue to annoy me.  They are fighting more often than not anymore.


The idiot of the year award goes to me!  Snowball has a fascination for Starweaver.  I JUST realized why D:  Her and Cascade are both female!  I had no clue.  My woohooer was a plus in this situation, but why did I think Cascade was a male?  I feel so bad.  If their latest foal is not acceptable, I will be trying to find a male.


I had them redo their quickie wedding in the backyard.


The horses were the only witnesses though.


Labor hit later that night.  Generation 7 incoming!


She had a little girl named Jewel.  I’m glad they unlocked unlimited kids.  I have been trying to alternate heirs/heiresses.  Generation 7 will be male..unless I can’t produce a male next.  I don’t want a buttload of kids.

Jewels is an artist who loves the outdoors.  She likes Roots, Crepes and Aqua.


These two are giving me fits. I even got rid of his flirty trait.


If he doesn’t straighten up, Comet will have to have a talk with her dad.


Sophie:  Attention.  Attention, please.  It is my birthday!


Sophie ended up huge!  But I love her coloring.


I can’t remember this little one’s name, but it was not chosen.


Took me forever staring at this trying to figure out why I took this.  I think it’s because he completed his LTW.


Jewel had her birthday and she looks a lot like Cruz.


I was amused to find both sets of adults out watching the stars together, but separately.


Cruz was in charge of potty training.  I found that it was the best way to keep him away from MI.



Well, they ar e both female, so I had them work on what I wanted and let Snowball have what she wanted.

The top one is Firestrike.  He moved in with Cobalt.


Comet:  Yay! Ghost foal!  I love him!


Jewel:  DADDY!!  I seepy!!


He’s actually a really good father after all.  I think he did all the skilling.


Confetti aged up and came home.  He looks a lot like MI.  He seems a bit fem to me.  I’ll have to check his gender preference soon.


He’s also a creeeper!  Naughty!  That’s your sister!


MI completed both portraits.


Calypso aged up and came home.  Another one that takes after MI.


Jewel had her child birthday soon after.


And Comet and Cruz had a wee bit too much fun.


Jewel is a tad camera shy.  She is going to be a great artist like her grandma though!


She saw the camera heading her way and she hid behind the sprinkler spray.


I’m iffy on if I want you to die or not, so just carry on.


Jewel was finally caught on camera.  Looks a lot like Cruz.




Sorry, Simblip!  He couldn’t hold off any longer.   LOL!  Cruz is the only one excited about it.  I guess he figures he’s safe from the Wrath of Roarke if he’s an old man.


Roarke is still trying to look cool, even while Comet goes into labor.  MI could care less though.


I don’t know why, but his name is Leo.  I wonder if I had a theme going?

Leo is a Clumsy artist who likes Latin Music, Key lime pie and purple.


Roarke was all by himself when he retired.  Screenshot-90

But everyone came running before the confetti had time to settle.


The two teens went to prom, but nothing major happened.


No horn, but he does carry the unicorn trait.  This little guy is a great mix of both mommies.  I have no name for him yet, so I just call him 8 Ball.


Grandpa smothers Leo.  It’s unreal.


He did eventually have his birthday and turned out so adorable.  Another Cruz clone though.


Next up was a senile MI.


Adorable old lady 😀

With this the last update for a while (since this was all done on Aug 4 and it is now Sept. 10), but a new house will be up next

Next up, Cruz is already close to his adult birthday, Comet finally comes off maternity leave, Confetti and Calypso will age up and move out.  Will Jewel impress me enough to let her be heiress or will I stick with little Leo?  I guess we shall find out soon.

Chapter 1


Buddy:  Everywhere you go, I will follow.  No matter what you’re doing or who you’re with, I will be there…watching.


I sent the horses out to do some training.

Cascade:  It’s too damn hot to run.  Stupid hoomin ideas!


Starweaver:  Hahaha!  Air conditioning!  You will never get me outside again!


Comet:  I can’t believe there is not one Rainbow Gem in this stupid house.  That’s all I need to get that Buddy off my ass.


Comet:  Cookie!  No, don’t leave us!

Buddy:  I’m here.  I can take his place!


Buddy:  Don’t cry.  I will be with you always.


Grim:  You will live where the grass is forever green and the treats are never ending.  I promise.


Comet: As heiress, I demand a stinkin’ desk too!


Comet:  Thanks, can I demand easier homework now too?


Cruz:  I ain’t afraid of no ghost!

I’m  hoping to get his LTW changed as soon as he gets more points.  So far, he seems happy to be in the ghost business.


There is something going on with these two lately.  They woohoo like rabbits.  Flirt constantly and then fight the rest of the time.


MI:  I think I liked it better when there was only allowed one per generation!


Oh geez.  I can’t remember his name.  He isn’t around much lol.


Due to the pregnancy, MI’s life bar has been maxed as she was two days past adulthood.   She immediately got cake after the nameless C color baby was born. …


Cruz:  Hey, baby, I really, really dig older women.
MI:  Get away from me you moron!  I don’t think you want Roarke taking care of you!

I then spent some precious points to get rid of his flirty trait.  I gave him something appropriate for ghost hunting.


Cruz:  How come the swing no worky?  This thing is hard work!

Anyone know why the swing does not work after patch 1.36?  I find that their stats only go up when the swing is swinging, but the baby gets sick usually.


The family garden during a makeover and fence.  I was tired of the horses eating the plants.


Well (Insert name here) finally had his birthday.  Such a cutie.   That would be a very crispy Roarke in the background.  He is doing potions for Comet and Buddy.


It was also time for Comet and Cobalt to age up too.


Cruz was cheering the loudest.  Those two got on the bunny kick too.  Woohoo any and all times she wasn’t at school and he at work.


Comet looks just like Mineral Ice with Roarke’s coloring.


I think Cobalt looks more like Roarke with a little bit of MI’s facial structure.


Comet:  I’m totally in the mood for my first adult woohoo.
Cruz:  I am not saying no.


C:  I got toys!?!

Yep, sorry I forgot them kid.


She is most likely to take over the world.


I think he got the same thing.


The after graduation dinner tradition continues on.

Can you believe that Asterix is still kicking?


Buddy:  I am forever watching you, Comet.


Gussie is the only one to use the playground in forever.


Buddy:  I can join?





I was pretty amused when (Insert name here) immediately played with his IF instead of grabbing cake and letting me get a child sized pic.


Asterix the Ancient was on hand to make sure the potion worked on Buddy correctly.  Roarke spent the better part of a month trying to make that damn thing.


Comet:  For a girl, you really are a creeper.

Buddy:  Now that I am real, we can kill off Cruz and be together forever and ever and have babies!

Comet:  I don’t even think so.


Buddy:  You are an unwanted child and I am an unwanted IF.  We can be together forever and ever and make babies!
Cobalt:  Yeah, whatever.

Buddy and Cobalt moved out.  They also took Wallflower, Cyan and Peat Moss with them.  The family has really no interest in pets anymore and I couldn’t keep up with them on my own.   We kept Cascade, Starweaver and Danny.


MI had a little girl (insert name here).  I will update the comments with their names when I open the game next.  I feel bad not remembering, but they were insignificant.  Only Roarke taught them their skills.  No one else had interest in either one and they go to boarding school at child age because of it.


The gnomes all converged at the front entrance to await news of the new baby.


Cruz’s mom, Sofia, died and he was all heartbroken.  Thank you moodlet manager for fixing him.


Asterix:  I’m just so tired.  I’m ready to move on.
Insert Name Here:  We have a horse?!?!

Asterix, having died previously at 92, re-died at the age 115 I do believe.


I caved when MI wished to adopt a puppy.  Here is Lady.  She will be procuring us a next dog generation shortly.  Danny is aging up to elder and Lady is still a pup.



Roarke:  How dare you!  I bought MY SON a house.  I LET YOU move in with him.  YOU DO NOT get to throw him out with my prized animal friends and get away with it.  YOU DO NOT get to keep the money you made from selling the home.

—-Roarke shook down Buddy three times, earning $400+ each time —–


Buddy:  You will not get away with this!  You will pay…eventually.
Roarke:  Good luck with that, Sister.  You are nothing but a doll in human skin.  No one actually cares how you end up.  Freak!


Roarke gets more and more relaxed in his new role as family “fixer”.


Buddy:  Goodbye, cruel world.   I shall *cough* return!


Buddy heads off to wherever it is that IF’s go when they die.



The bathroom – The cool new place to hang out and have a chat or play with your IF’s.


So far, no one suspects Roarke of his dastardly deeds, but it is only a matter of time before the 5-0 catch on.

INH (Insert Name Here#2) – Ghost.  Cwuz catches ghosts.


MI has started to make some disturbing pictures.  To the left, her previous days’ work.


Danny head to elderhood.


Lady to Adulthood.


Puppies were made Smile   I love this pic.  Probably my favorite one so far this update.


The ever unsmiling and unhappy Roarke LOVES his kids.  MI and Comet ignore them for the most part.  Asterix took care of them, but now that he is gone, Cruz has taken up when Roarke is not around.

Roarke is almost an Elder D:


Where else but a Sims game can you be playing with your IF doll while your Mom plays guitar in her underwear, while your dog howls along and your ghost unicorn taps to the beat.


Hello little Hoomin.  I am Starweaver.


It’s pretty sad that you can’t woohoo in the hot tub without a Paparazzi documenting the whole thing.


Roarke *shakes down Juliet Cummins for $570*:  That is the price to pay for invading my little girls privacy.  Don’t let me catch you on my property again!



I dropped my tester family and their 10 million kids across the street in an empty house.  I finally had to document Cruz’s job since he got to visit.  The twins had EA names (she was pregnant when they were dropped in), I renamed them to Jam and Jelly.  I have no clue which one is which.  Little girl on the far right is Sprite.   Red overall boy on the far left is Icee.  Sprite’s twin is a INH kid for now as are the todder twins.


Roarke’s evil has finally touched the house.  He just stole candy for the very first time ever.  Cruz was not in time to save INH#2.


I just realized that Cruz was halfway or more to full Adult, so I decided to get generation 7 here.  I believe he is at least 5 days older than Comet.


First comes shock…


..Then comes approval….


…Then we get Puppies??   Yay!  They are almost identical except for the bigger one on the far left.  Two girls and one boy.


Cruz caught a Gecko that EA named Ammy.


Hello, Hoomins!  I’m the keeper!


This is the very first unicorn in this town since they moved back to App, Plains.  I made sure that Comet had been making animal friends since childhood since her LTW is to adopt a unicorn.  I just was never able to find one until now.  It’s name is Snowball.


It took forever to get them to be friends.  It seemed that every third interaction was a negative one.


Even though getting a blessing is a good thing, I have to wonder if it’s good to be flying in the air while a billion months pregnant.  It also froze my computer up for a good 5 minutes.


Comet was ecstatic and decided that now was as good of a time as any.


Snowball agreed and Comet’s LTW was now completed.  She can finally concentrate on getting her business off the ground and up to level 10.  She is currently at level 4.


Comet:  OMGosh, baby.  There’s a ghost over your head!   What should we do??
Cruz:  Relax, honey.  I read a book and got a promotion.  That’s all.


Danny snuggles his puppy Open-mouthed smile



Roarke:  I warned you about coming on to my property.

Juliet:  It’s my job, asshole.

Roarke:  Too bad.


MI:  I am really going to have to insist that your father does his dirty work away from the house from now on.

Roarke had beat a hasty retreat to the gym LOL.



Ack!  No, Snowball!  That’s the wrong one!


Snowball:  If I can’t have the unicorn of studliness over there, I guess we shall conduct an interview on our compatibility.

Snowball:  I hate birds.  Answer correctly and I will bear your young.

Cascade: I hate leaves, which fall from trees, where your hated birds reside Open-mouthed smile.  Do I meet the requirements?


Her mouth said no, but my mouse said yes.  Foal on the way!


Cruz:  I know we both wanted a French wedding, but I think we should just have the wedding now.  Our baby will be here soon and I want us married.


I now announce that Cruz Martingale-Singleton has now become Cruz Vinson.

Next time Comet will produce Generation 7.  Maybe finally get off maternity leave and get back to work.  And Cruz will hit his LTW – He reached level 9 just by doing his nightly routine and reading all three logic books.





A couple of MI’s newest paintings.  She should be selling them for her job, but I love these too much.