Chapter 6

First of all.  Happy New Year!!    For the first time in like 100 years, I went to bed before 11pm and slept until the next morning.  My average is 2-4 hours of sleep.  So, I totally missed ringing in the New Year, but scored in the sleep department.

I have some pets mixed in here.  Very hard to separate them when you have two dogs running around and countless uni’s and one in particular just stands there forever.

Happy Birthday, Maple Star

Let’s check my notes.   Jelly Donut (Shooting Star’s mom) – sold – 3031
Maple star – sold – $8549   There was a lot of crashes going on.  Some of this I don’t even know if it really happened.  No levels were written down.  Jelly was a hateful nag and no one went around her to help her out.  Probably level 2 racing and 0 jump.   Maple had the uni trait so he was at least a level 5 in both.

This next part happened several times.  48
Mint Chip kept barking at Grimmy and saved Gussie like a billion times only for him to turn around and die not even a sim hour later and the game would crash.   So, we had Maple Stars birthday..again.  I then had to have EVERY SINGLE PET on the property go for a run, so that Gussie could go in peace.

RIP Gussie Vinson.  You made it 103 days.

Gussie went and Jill visited.

Mint: I can has treat?

Mint:  Woof!  If you had solid mass, I’d lick you to death.

…and so it begins.   Gussie has been gone 30 sim minutes.

Cris:  I don’t actually want to do this, but I wished for it anyway.
Court:  You’ll beg to have me back before long.  Mark my words!

Jill and Fluffs:  We didn’t see or hear nuthin.

Jill made and then snoozed in Gussie’s bed.

Court:  …and then he just dumped me out of nowhere.  What am I gonna do, Star?
Shooting Star:  I’m way too young to understand you.  Go talk to my Grandpa.  He’s like right there.

Court:  Why the hell did you do this to us?
Cris: I didn’t mean it. It was grief over all the losses in the past couple of days.

Jenncaster:  We interrupt this heartbreak for PROM!
So here’s the scoop.  I got Alani and Fluffs up to woohoo buddies.  They still had 0 interest in each other romantically past that.  Their last chance was Prom and then Fluffs was gone and the family either killed the town or moved.

I hear Angels singing…Hallelujah.
Court:  Told ya you’d come runnin back.


Autonomous kissing!  Yay!

Cris: I’m hungry enough to eat 145,000 simoleans.

They are both showing a 4/4 and 10/10!

Cris:  Please, Court, forgive me!
Court:  I’m willing to listen.
Shooting Star: *whispers* You can’t seriously be falling for this?  It’s worse than yesterday’s rotten drumstick!

8 Hours Later….
Cris:  I’ll wear you down.  Eventually you’ll be too tired to walk away.

Cris:  I know it’s dawn, but watch the stars with me anyway!
Court:  Whatever.

Yay!  Finally!

Court:  They smell like you wiped them in horseshit!
Cris:  *cowers*  I did sorta drop them.


I wasn’t going to add these, but Shooting Star is hysterical

Raw, untouched and no heir colored border.

Shooting Star literally has it in for Cris.  Their friendship meter is almost in the pink.

Star:  Quick give me thumbs!  I’ll hit him over the head with a dumbbell.  Oh wait..He IS a dumbbell.
Cris:  Be my girlfriend?  *puppy dog eyes*
Court:  Of course I will.  I’m only a pixelated sim, not a human with a brain.

Court:  I will not give up my 145,000 simoleans for being a mere girlfriend.  Want to try again?
Star:  I feel like I should go vomit.

Cris:  Oh OH!  I know.  Let me spend your money and I’ll get you a ring!
Star:  Seriously?  What?  You can’t be contemplating this, female hoomin!

Cris:  Oh, Court.  I’m so sorry for what I did to you.  Please re-marry me.  I ❤ your simoleans… umm… shit.  I mean I ❤ you!
Star:  *gag*

Court:  OMS!  I had enough simoleans for that?!?!?
Star:  I can’t watch.
Cris:  Well, there was some left over.  Should I have gotten a bigger one?
Star:  *mutters* Of all the stupid hoomins ever born, I have to live with this?

Star: Oh geezus chr..I can’t watch.  You people are retarded.

Star:  Hoomin readers…this is all garbage.  I am so disgusted by this.

Court:  Holy crap.  What’s that smell?
Cris:  I didn’t do it!
Star.  It was me!  It’s what you deserve.

Star:  Okay, show’s over.  Go away.  Get out of my backyard.

Star:  Get a room, losers!

Star:  Hello!  Get a room.  Find one with a desk, bend her over it and leave my backyard!

Cris:  Court, can I bend you over a desk?
Court:  You spent all the money on that ring.  So that would be a no.

Star: Finally.  A decent hoomin is awake!  I’m gone suckas.


Star:  Awww geez.. Insanity I tell ya.  Get a room.  No kissing by the toilet.  Talk about gross!

Alani:  Inventing sucks.

That’s gonna have to just sit out the two days.  You just got married, again, 7 hours ago.

Oh Praise the King of all Cakes!  It’s about time.


Alani:  Did I come out okay?  Am I hideous??  Where’s Fluffs?  He missed it and it’s his turn!
Court: I heard him snoring a minute ago.

Fluffs: *yawn*  I’m awake.

Fluffs: I’ve never felt sparklies as a human!  It’s creepy…but in a good way!

Alani: *drool*

Next time our heiress will take over, the borders will be violet I think.  Will the midlife crisis be over?  Will Fluff and Alani be together?  Stay tuned next time for another installment of this madhouse.   What about some, oh I don’t know..Puppies?!?  I’ve never had puppies before, only horses.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 6

  1. First: OMG I could never live on 2-4 hours of sleep a night. O.o Ugh. Second: That scene with Star and Court & Cris was hilarious! I HATE those mid-life crisis wishes, especially when they roll them TWICE after you manage to fix the first mess. Farewell to Gussie, and I’m glad Alani and Fluffs are finally on the right track!

    1. I can barely handle it myself. It comes and goes. In a couple of months I’ll be back to normal for a bit and then it starts all over. Star is a doll. He loves to be around the hoomins. I hate the Midlife crisis. I have only had the one where you move to a new house before. This was horrible, especially after watching the Heroes and Villains version just recently. I think I’m skipping them from now on.

  2. Such drama… I love every bit of it!
    Shooting Star is hilarious, but yes… it looks like that midlife crisis thing can be seriously annoying. Can you just ignore those wishes or do they count for too much HP?

    My word, an inheritance of $145,000? You must be thrilled to pieces… and I should probably consider working with more EPs lol.

    1. That’s the first time I’ve ever gotten a 6-digit inheritance. I was able to go around buying venues. I don’t normally get midlife crisis’ since I usually play on epic or aging turned off. It didn’t seem to give extra LTH points, but it gives off a bad moodlet I think.

  3. Haha oh man, this chapter had me cracking up! Loved it! Poor Court, if only she knew… Fluffs and Alani are gorgeous! Where did you get your skin, eyes, and…well okay, all of your CC (love the clothes and hair too lol).?

      1. Awesome! Thank you so much! I look forward to more beautiful babies and horses! Love how you are developing your story more and more as you go! (:

  4. LMAO, Star is hilarious. I haven’t seen pets do that, though I have never played with horses. Maybe I’ll have to try it out.

    God, I hate that Divorce MLC wish. I very rarely grant it, right-click is my friend 😉

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